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25 Divas Battle Royal to Wrestlemania 25

Vince McMahon next to the WWE creative team are planning a 25 Divas Battle Royal for the silver anniversary of Wrestlemania. As the female roster is not very large, the WWE has decided to contact former Divas to participate in the battle royal.
One of the candidates is former WWE Diva Miss Jackie (Jackie Gaydar-Haas), which Prowrestling.net told a fan at the Arnold Classic Expo in Columbus, Ohio, which WWE had contacted her to accept and an invitation to return for a night and fight the company in 25 Divas Battle Royal at Wrestlemania 25. Miss Jackie Reduerden which is the current wife of the superstar from Raw Charlie Hass and was dismissed from the company on July 8, 2005 with her husband. Charlie Haas returns to WWE, but not his wife.

And recently it was learned that a new Diva Ex had been contacted by several staff members to return to WWE for one night to the company at the largest event of Wrestling: Wrestlemania 25. On this occasion the former champion female for a short time former WWE Hardcore Champion, Nora "Molly Holly" Greenwald, the new fighter was contacted to be present in 25 Divas Battle Royal.

Hopefully, these large Ex WWE Diva accepted the invitation and we can see them in WR 25 along with other great fighters that had former WWE.

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