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Randy Orton Vs Triple HHH

Randy Orton Vs Triple HHH

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vince mcmahon
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TNA is competition for WWE?

With regard to this company TNA is not competition for WWE, they have a TV-14 rating (for adults over 14 years in the company of an adult) and ourselves PG (suitable for all audiences), his rating is a fraction of our programs.

Attack on Triple H with a hammer or a maso House passed Randy Orton family on a schedule (PG)?

What we try to do in such situations is to use things that can not be found around the house, we are very selective, you do not see us using a baseball bat, this is the development of a story, this is how our business grows, if it is defined and whether the characters are put into the story right against other people, they care about their welfare and their rival.

On the impact of growth on UFC WWE?

Most people at some point I thought it would be competition for us, but that they are not at all or almost nothing.

They rely on us at the Sports and Entertainment, and this is a big difference, UFC has cut profits andalusia boxing.

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