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The WWE is losing audience

It seems that Vince is done through the mouth and fire it is not the fact that the last of RAW and ECW Ratings given back, the worst part is that they give back a few days for its biggest event of the year "Wrestlemania 25"

The last Raw rating was 3.49, a low number compared to the previous week (3.62), and very bad to be in the final Road to WrestleMania, and in contrast to the last rating that TNA is growing in number viewers.

An interesting statistic that postea PWI:

- Raw 2 weeks prior to WrestleMania 21 (2005): 3.95 rating.
- Raw 2 weeks prior to WrestleMania 22 (2006): 4.32 rating.
- Raw 2 weeks prior to WrestleMania 23 (2007): 4.50 rating.
- Raw 2 weeks prior to WrestleMania 24 (2008): 3.80 rating.

Moreover, in petersham of ECW Sci-Fi was also quite bad, and arrived at 1.25. This number also represents a reduction from the previous rating to show (the previous was 1.35).

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